Call Ajaire- Paneled Playsuit

Hey y'all!

I have been super fortunate to be picked as a pattern tester for a couple patterns that have recently released. The first one I will write about is the Paneled Playsuit from Designed By Call Ajaire. I cannot even begin to tell you about the amount of details in this pattern. Along with a gazillion options, it really is one you will want in your pattern library. The biggest thing that makes me want to shout from the rooftops- ENCLOSED BODICE SEAMS!!! Why is it so hard for PDF pattern makers to do this? That's something I could rant on for a while, so back to the Playsuit. The finishes are wonderful, the options many, the sizing amazing.

I made three versions over the course of testing.
1. Sunsuit
2. Pants
3. Sunsuit with skirt

First up.. the sunsuit:

 These first few pictures are from round one, before sizing was tweaked. I love the flamingos.

Separates are an option included in the pattern. I made these pants from a fun knit. She told me multiple times how comfy and cute they were. I can't wait to make more of these for the fall (who am I kidding- its still chilly here some days). 

So this one doesn't really match well- I'm sorry. I used scraps in my stash for sizing purposes and she stole it away before I could even hem it and has worn it multiple times. This one is made from knits, like the pants. It seems to be a prerequisite for her clothing nowadays. 

I really love the added color with the bodice and piping. This pattern will be available through UpCraft Club exclusively until Sunday: and then on Craftsy afterward: .

Thank you Ajaire for letting me test this pattern! 
